January 4th 2017
Dear Fellow Wyvernian,
You are invited to the twentieth CBS Reunion, full details below. Please RSVP as soon as possible. You may be unable (or simply not wish) to attend, if this is the case please tell me. You can e-mail, phone, write or text, so communication should not be a problem. Thank you.
DATE Saturday March 18th 2017
VENUE Clarence House, Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 3PJ (The former school building)
TIME 11.00am - 3.45pm
PRICE £13.00 to include lunch, or £6.50 entry only. Please note that lunch MUST be booked in advance.. Age UK have asked us to pre-order the meals. Please see the menu below, and send me your choices along with your cheque. Make a note of what you have ordered, you will have forgotten by March!!!
BAR We are arranging our own bar facilities again. Complimentary tea and coffee will also be available
GUESTS Wives, friends and partners are welcome. Entry is free if they do not require lunch, but £13.00 if they do.
AGM As usual there will be a brief AGM, when you will be given the opportunity to make comments.
PARKING There is no parking on site, but multi-storey car parks can be found nearby.
MEMORABILIA We will be exhibiting some of the school memorabilia, along with a selection of panoramic photographs.
GUEST SPEAKER To be announced, we are waiting for one of you to volunteer!!
***STOP PRESS*** - Retired teacher Bob Childs and ex-pupil Roger Povoas (1956-64) both booked (a new double act?)
Dear Fellow Wyvernian,
You are invited to the twentieth CBS Reunion, full details below. Please RSVP as soon as possible. You may be unable (or simply not wish) to attend, if this is the case please tell me. You can e-mail, phone, write or text, so communication should not be a problem. Thank you.
DATE Saturday March 18th 2017
VENUE Clarence House, Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 3PJ (The former school building)
TIME 11.00am - 3.45pm
PRICE £13.00 to include lunch, or £6.50 entry only. Please note that lunch MUST be booked in advance.. Age UK have asked us to pre-order the meals. Please see the menu below, and send me your choices along with your cheque. Make a note of what you have ordered, you will have forgotten by March!!!
BAR We are arranging our own bar facilities again. Complimentary tea and coffee will also be available
GUESTS Wives, friends and partners are welcome. Entry is free if they do not require lunch, but £13.00 if they do.
AGM As usual there will be a brief AGM, when you will be given the opportunity to make comments.
PARKING There is no parking on site, but multi-storey car parks can be found nearby.
MEMORABILIA We will be exhibiting some of the school memorabilia, along with a selection of panoramic photographs.
GUEST SPEAKER To be announced, we are waiting for one of you to volunteer!!
***STOP PRESS*** - Retired teacher Bob Childs and ex-pupil Roger Povoas (1956-64) both booked (a new double act?)
SOUVENIR Everyone attending will receive a special gift to mark the milestone of twenty successful reunions
RAFFLE The raffle is popular, and a good way of raising funds. If you could bring something as a prize that would be great. Chocolates, wine, toiletries - anything really. It is a good way to dispose of those unwanted Christmas presents!
PAYMENT Please make cheques payable to Wyvernians and post to Mr D J Duggan, Rock Cottage, Brook Street, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire. SY21 7NA
CONTACT DETAILS Telephone 01938 555574 or 07399 464482 E-mail djduggan@supanet.com
Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas,
Chicken Curry and Rice
Steak and Kidney Pie, Potatoes and Vegetables
Cheese Flan and Trimmings (Vegetarian Option)
Apple Pie
Fruit Crumble
Tea or coffee
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