Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 10:36 AM
Subject: Reunion Update
Dear Fellow Wyvernians,
The annual CBS reunion is almost upon us. Saturday March 21st is the date, our old school building in Humberstone Gate is the venue.
So far 70 people have booked, and I know there are more cheques in the post. Also quite a few people turn up on the day.
Several members of staff will be there, including Tony Baxter, Dr Arnold Burrows, Bob Childs, Chris Holden, Fred 'Bunny' Hutchinson, John Lawson, Bill Mann, possibly Alan Mercer, Gill Povoas (secretary) Alan Rudge
A highlight will be the talk by Bob Childs, please see details below.
1. "New wine in Old Bottles or the other way round".....should take us on a journey from the 3 "R's" to the 3 "C's" via the 3"D's" making use of the A47 with reference to some characters and events of our shared past from 1956 to the present day!
2. Bob Childs born Rothwell Northants 1954....Kettering Grammar School 1965-66, King Edward VII Grammar School King's Lynn 1966-72, Leicester University and School of Education 1972-76, teacher, Head of History, Head of Sixth Form and Assistant Deputy Head at the City of Leicester School 1976-2009 followed by voluntary work for school and charities. Married to Alison with two daughters and a long career in cricket as a player and administrator. Genetic research at Oklahoma City University in 2013 identified our familial muscle condition as an extremely rare mutation called "myopathy with tubular aggregates" hence why proceeds from my book on the school will go to the Myotubular Trust and the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.
2. Bob Childs born Rothwell Northants 1954....Kettering Grammar School 1965-66, King Edward VII Grammar School King's Lynn 1966-72, Leicester University and School of Education 1972-76, teacher, Head of History, Head of Sixth Form and Assistant Deputy Head at the City of Leicester School 1976-2009 followed by voluntary work for school and charities. Married to Alison with two daughters and a long career in cricket as a player and administrator. Genetic research at Oklahoma City University in 2013 identified our familial muscle condition as an extremely rare mutation called "myopathy with tubular aggregates" hence why proceeds from my book on the school will go to the Myotubular Trust and the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.
If you have not yet booked - especially if you live locally - why not come along? You might meet an old friend, and will find that much of Clarence House is still recognisable from your schooldays. If you require lunch I need your cheque by March 14th, so there is still time!
Should you require a copy of the original invitation, simply let me know (or read the next post (below) - Ed).
See you there.
Dennis J Duggan (1959-64)
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